Microsoft Office 2016 For Mac 下载

Posted By admin On 11.04.20

**适用于:****Office 2019 for Mac、Office 2016 for MacApplies to:Office for Mac, Office 2019 for Mac, Office 2016 for Mac

批量序列化程序 (VL) 用于作为批量许可版本激活 Office 2019 for Mac 或 Office 2016 for Mac。The Volume Serializer (VL) is used to activate Office 2019 for Mac or Office 2016 for Mac as a volume licensed version.它是在安装 Office 之前或之后,在用户的计算机上运行的大约 4 mb 的包文件。It's an approximately 4 mb package file that you run on a user's computer, either before or after you've installed Office.

从 VLSC 下载批量许可证 (VL) 序列化程序Download the Volume License (VL) Serializer from the VLSC

Feb 25, 2020  如何下载 onenote 2016 for Mca,不想使用最新版本的onenote,功能太少了,需要下载2016版本的onenote,是苹果电脑不是windows。. 了解如何借助 Microsoft Teams 和 Office 365 保持联系和工作效率,即使在远程办公. 这里下载的不是2016版本,我要下载的是 onenote 2016 for mac. 1.下载官方office 2016. 破解器下载地址 密码:y7x9. 3.下载完成后先装office,安装完成后不要打开,运行破解器,破解成功即OK。 详细步骤可参考百.

要下载 VL 序列化程序,请执行下列操作:To download the VL Serializer, do the following:

  1. 登录批量许可服务中心 (VLSC)。Sign in to the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).
  2. 选择“下载和密钥”选项卡。Select the Download and Keys tab.
  3. 根据你要部署的版本,搜索“Office 2019 for Mac Standard”或“Office 2016 for Mac Standard”。Depending on the version that you're deploying, search for 'Office 2019 for Mac Standard' or 'Office 2016 for Mac Standard.'
  4. 选择“结果”面板中的“下载”链接。Select the Download link in the results panel.
  5. 选择窗口底部的“继续”按钮。Select the Continue button at the bottom of the window.
  6. 选择图标(带下载箭头的圆圈)以下载 VL 序列化程序 .iso 文件。Select the icon (circle with download arrow) to download the VL Serializer .iso file.
  7. 下载完成后,装载 .iso 文件以提取 VL 序列化程序包文件。Once the download is complete, mount the .iso file to extract the VL Serializer package file.

请确保你部署到用户的 Office 版本具有正确的 VL 序列化程序版本。Make sure you have the correct VL serializer version for the version of Office that you're deploying to your users.

版本Version文件名File Name
Office 2019 for MacOffice 2019 for MacMicrosoft_Office_2019_VL_Serializer.pkgMicrosoft_Office_2019_VL_Serializer.pkg
Office 2016 for MacOffice 2016 for MacMicrosoft_Office_2016_VL_Serializer.pkgMicrosoft_Office_2016_VL_Serializer.pkg

然后,在要激活批量许可版本的 Office 的每台计算机上部署和运行 VL 序列化程序包文件。Then, deploy and run the VL Serializer package file on each computer that you want to activate Office as a volume licensed version.


  • 无法使用适用于 Office 2019 for Mac 的 VL 序列化程序激活 Office 2016 for Mac 的批量许可版本。You can't use the VL Serializer for Office 2019 for Mac to activate a volume licensed version of Office 2016 for Mac.
  • Office 2019 for Mac 的批量许可版本的版本号为 16.17 或更高。Volume licensed versions of Office 2019 for Mac have version numbers of 16.17 or higher.Office 2016 for Mac 的批量许可版本的版本号为 16.16 或更低,例如 16.16.2 或 16.15。Volume licensed versions of Office 2016 for Mac have version numbers of 16.16 or lower, such as 16.16.2 or 16.15.

有关 VL 序列化程序的其他信息Additional information about the VL Serializer

  • 批量许可证位于 /Library/Preferences/ 目录中。The volume license is located in the /Library/Preferences/ directory.
  • 由 VL 序列化程序生成的许可 plist 包含使用生成它的计算机上的启动驱动器的序列号加密的数据。The licensing plist generated by the VL Serializer contains data that's encrypted by using the serial number of the boot drive on the computer where it was generated.每个 Office 应用程序启动时,将使用当前启动驱动器序列号作为解密密钥来解密 plist。Upon each Office application launch, the plist is decrypted by using the current boot drive serial number as the decryption key.如果无法解密数据(例如,启动驱动器序列号不同),Office 将进入未经授权状态,而不会出现警告。If the data cannot be decrypted (for example, boot drive serial number is different), Office will go into an unlicensed state without warning.
  • 由于许可证 plist 文件是使用安装它的计算机上的信息进行加密的,因此不能将其复制到其他计算机上以在该计算机上激活 Office。Because the license plist file is encrypted using information from the computer on which it's installed, you can't copy it to a different computer to activate Office on that computer.
  • 存在一个 VL 序列化程序包,其中包含在所有批量许可客户安装之间共享的单个密钥。There's a single VL Serializer package that contains a single key that's shared between all volume licensed customer installations.
  • VL 序列化程序包包含一个名为“Microsoft Office 安装助理”的二进制可执行文件。The VL Serializer package contains a binary executable that's named 'Microsoft Office Setup Assistant.'这是实际激活批量许可证的可执行文件。It's this executable that actually activates the volume license.
  • 如果通过从 VLSC 下载的 .iso 文件安装 Office 2016 for Mac 的批量许可版本,则无需运行 VL 序列化程序。If you install the volume licensed version of Office 2016 for Mac from the .iso file downloaded from the VLSC, you don't need to run the VL Serializer.该安装程序包已内置 VL 序列化程序功能。That installer package already has the VL Serializer functionality built-in.但是,我们建议你始终下载并安装 Internet 上的 Office 内容交付网络 (CDN) 中提供的最新版本。But, we recommend that you always download and install the most current version that's available on the Office Content Delivery Network (CDN) on the internet.有关详细信息,请参阅将 Office for Mac 下载到本地网络。For more information, see Download Office for Mac to your local network.
  • VL 序列化程序包与移动设备管理 (MDM) 服务器(如 Microsoft Intune、Jamf Pro 或 FileWave)兼容。The VL Serializer package is compatible with mobile device management (MDM) servers such as Microsoft Intune, Jamf Pro, or FileWave.

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定期更新 Office 365 订阅附带的 Office for Mac,以提供新功能、安全更新和非安全更新。以下信息主要面向在用户的组织中为用户部署 Office for Mac 的 IT 专业人员。Office for Mac that comes with an Office 365 subscription is updated on a regular basis to provide new features, security updates, and non-security updates. The following information is primarily intended for IT professionals that are deploying Office for Mac to the users in their organizations.


For example, the properties and methods of the VBE object for manipulating the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code that is stored in a Microsoft Office document are inaccessible by default.To turn on trusted access to Visual Basic Projects, do the following:.Enable the Developer tab on the ribbon. Microsoft visual basic error mac.

  • 从版本 16.21 开始,如果使用 Office 套件安装包,则 安装将默认安装 Microsoft Teams。有关详细信息,请参阅在 Mac 上安装 Microsoft Teams。Starting with Version 16.21, Microsoft Teams will be installed by default for new installations if you're using the Office suite install package. For more information, see Microsoft Teams installations on a Mac.
  • 出于安全考虑,Microsoft 已停用 SHA-1。了解详细信息For security reason, Microsoft has deprecated the use of SHA-1. Learn more
  • 从 2018 年 9 月的 16.17 发行版开始,此信息也适用于 Office 2019 for Mac,这是 Office for Mac 的一个版本,可从零售商店或通过批量许可协议进行一次性购买。Starting with the 16.17 release in September 2018, this information also applies to Office 2019 for Mac, which is a version of Office for Mac that’s available as a one-time purchase from a retail store or through a volume licensing agreement.
  • 16.16 和更早版本的更新历史记录信息也适用于 Office 2016 for Mac,它也是 Office for Mac 的一种版本,可一次性购买。可以使用 Office 2016 for Mac 批量许可证激活 16.16 版本之前(包括 16.16)的较旧版本。无法使用 Office 2016 for Mac 批量许可证激活版本 16.17 或更高版本。有关从 9 月开始的 Office 2016 for Mac 发行版的信息,请参阅 Office 2016 for Mac 发行说明The update history information for version 16.16 and earlier also applies to Office 2016 for Mac, which is also a version of Office for Mac that’s available as a one-time purchase. Older versions up to and including 16.16 can be activated with an Office 2016 for Mac volume license. You can’t activate version 16.17 or later with an Office 2016 for Mac volume license. For information about Office 2016 for Mac releases from September onward, see Release notes for Office 2016 for Mac
  • 有关指定版本的 Office for Mac 中包含的功能、安全更新和非安全更新的信息,请参阅 Office for Mac 发行说明。For information about the features, security updates, and non-security updates that are included in a given release of Office for Mac, see Release notes for Office for Mac.
  • 如果想尽早访问新版本,请加入 Office 预览体验成员计划。If you want early access to new releases, join the Office Insider program.

Office for Mac 的最新程序包Most current packages for Office for Mac

下表列出了 Office 套件与各个应用程序的最新程序包。Office 套件包含所有单个应用程序,例如 Word、PowerPoint 和 Excel。所有程序包仅提供 64 位版本。创建日期在版本号后以 YYMMDD 格式在括号中列出。如果尚未安装该应用程序,则使用安装包,而更新包用于更新现有安装。The following table lists the most current packages for the Office suite and for the individual applications. The Office suite includes all the individual applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. All packages are 64-bit only. The build date is listed in parentheses, in a YYMMDD format, after the version number. The install package is used if you don't have the application already installed, while the update package is used to update an existing installation.

要查看发行说明,请参阅发行说明。To view release notes, see Release notes.

2020 年 3 月 10 日March 10, 2020

版本 16.35 (20030802)Version 16.35 (20030802)

应用程序Application下载链接Download links安装包的 SHA-256 哈希SHA-256 hash for install package
Office 套件(含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)安装包Install package8E86CC3EDDB5D7AD0EBA34264C6017D8B3DB9BBC425106F8C5B1BBAC1C7966DA8E86CC3EDDB5D7AD0EBA34264C6017D8B3DB9BBC425106F8C5B1BBAC1C7966DA
Office 套件(不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)安装包Install packageDA6F028AB5A69FC48668A311A74231A9CDCDA1576D2EBB1C06E7A7DD53ED8510DA6F028AB5A69FC48668A311A74231A9CDCDA1576D2EBB1C06E7A7DD53ED8510
WordWord安装包Install package
更新包Update package
ExcelExcel安装包Install package
更新包Update package
PowerPointPowerPoint安装包Install package
更新包Update package
OutlookOutlook安装包Install package
更新包Update package
OneNoteOneNote更新包Update package不适用Not applicable

Microsoft Office 2016 For Mac 下载 Free

Microsoft 提供的适用于其他 Mac 程序的最新程序包Most current packages for other Mac programs from Microsoft

下表提供了有关 IT 专业人员可能感兴趣的 Microsoft 提供的适用于其他 Mac 程序的最新程序包的信息,其中包括下载链接。创建日期在版本号后以 YYMMDD 格式在括号中列出。The following table provides information about the most current packages, including a download link, for other Mac programs from Microsoft that may be of interest to IT professionals. The build date is listed in parentheses, in a YYMMDD format, after the version number.

Microsoft office professional mac no key required download. 注意: Microsoft 自动更新 (MAU) 发布信息已移至“MAU 发布历史记录”页面。Note: Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) release information has moved to the MAU Release History page.

Microsoft Office 2016 For Mac

程序Program版本Version程序包Package详细信息More informationSHA-1/ SHA-256 哈希SHA-1/ SHA-256 hash
Skype for BusinessSkype for Business
最新版本于 2019 年 6 月 23 日发布。The latest version was released on June 23, 2019.
最新更新Latest updates
远程桌面Remote Desktop10.下载Download此安装包是 64 位版本。This install package is 64-bit.
新增功能What's new
Intune 公司门户Intune Company Portal1.17 (52.1908008.000) [190823]1.17 (52.1908008.000) [190823]下载DownloadMicrosoft Intune 新增功能What's new in Microsoft Intunefec704b5194360a48365d0193a46135358c5f129fc2b1fb02acb902cd1f96de0fec704b5194360a48365d0193a46135358c5f129fc2b1fb02acb902cd1f96de0
适用于 Office 2016 for Mac 的 Microsoft SharePoint 本地 Safari 浏览器插件Microsoft SharePoint On-Premises Safari Browser Plugin for Office 2016 for Mac
15.32.0 (170309)15.32.0 (170309)
此安装包是 64 位版本。This install package is 64-bit.

Office for Mac 的版本历史记录Release history for Office for Mac

下表提供了 Office for Mac 的版本历史记录信息和下载链接。该表按发布日期排序,首先列出最新的发布日期。创建日期在版本号后以 YYMMDD 格式在括号中列出。2016 年 8 月 22 日之后全部仅提供 64 位版本。2016 年 8 月 22 日之前全部仅提供 32 位版本。The following table provides release history information and download links for Office for Mac. The table is ordered by release date, with the most recent release date listed first. The build date is listed in parentheses, in a YYMMDD format, after the version number. All releases after August 22, 2016 are 64-bit only. All releases prior to August 22, 2016 are 32-bit only.


仅为最新版本提供下载链接。Download links are only provided for the most recent releases.

Office 2016 For Mac Updates

发布日期Release date版本Version安装包Install package更新包Update packages
2020 年 3 月 10 日March 10, 202016.35 (20030802)16.35 (20030802)Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2020 年 2 月 11 日February 11, 202016.34 (20020900)16.34 (20020900)Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2020 年 1 月 14 日January 14, 202016.33 (20011301)16.33 (20011301)Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 12 月 10 日December 10, 2019
16.32 (19120802)16.32 (19120802)
Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 11 月 12 日November 12, 2019
16.31 (19111002)16.31 (19111002)
Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 10 月 15 日October 15, 2019
16.30 (19101301)16.30 (19101301)
Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 9 月 18 日September 18, 2019
16.29.1 (19091700)16.29.1 (19091700)
Word、Excel、PowerPointWord, Excel, PowerPoint
2019 年 9 月 10 日September 10, 2019
16.29 (19090802)16.29 (19090802)
Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 8 月 13 日August 13, 2019
16.28 (19081202)16.28 (19081202)
Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 7 月 16 日July 16, 2019
16.27 (19071500)16.27 (19071500)
Office 套件 (含 Teams)Office suite (with Teams)
Office 套件 (不含 Teams)Office suite (without Teams)
Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNoteWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
2019 年 6 月 11 日June 11, 2019
16.26 (19060901)16.26 (19060901)

2019 年 5 月 14 日May 14, 2019
16.25 (19051201)16.25 (19051201)

2019 年 4 月 16 日April 16, 2019
16.24 (19041401)16.24 (19041401)

2019 年 3 月 27 日March 27, 2019
16.23.1 (19032603)16.23.1 (19032603)
2019 年 3 月 12 日March 12, 2019
16.23.0 (19030902)16.23.0 (19030902)

2019 年 2 月 20 日February 20, 2019
16.22 (19022000)16.22 (19022000)

2019 年 1 月 24 日January 24, 2019
16.21 (19011700)16.21 (19011700)
2019 年 1 月 16 日January 16, 2019
16.21 (19011500)16.21 (19011500)
2018 年 12 月 11 日December 11, 2018
16.20 (18120801)16.20 (18120801)
2018 年 11 月 13 日November 13, 2018
16.19 (18110915)16.19 (18110915)
2018 年 10 月 16 日October 16, 2018
16.18 (18101400)16.18 (18101400)
2018 年 9 月 11 日September 11, 2018
16.17 (18090901)16.17 (18090901)
2018 年 8 月 14 日August 14, 2018
16.16 (18081201)16.16 (18081201)
2018 年 7 月 10 日July 10, 2018
16.15 (18070902)16.15 (18070902)
2018 年 6 月 13 日June 13, 2018
16.14.1 (18061302)16.14.1 (18061302)
2018 年 6 月 12 日June 12, 2018
16.14.0 (18061000)16.14.0 (18061000)
2018 年 5 月 24 日May 24, 2018
16.13.1 (18052304)16.13.1 (18052304)
2018 年 5 月 23 日May 23, 2018
16.13.1 (18052203)16.13.1 (18052203)
2018 年 5 月 15 日May 15, 2018
16.13.0 (18051301)16.13.0 (18051301)
2018 年 4 月 11 日April 11, 2018
16.12.0 (18041000)16.12.0 (18041000)
2018 年 3 月 19 日March 19, 2018
16.11.1 (18031900)16.11.1 (18031900)
2018 年 3 月 13 日March 13, 2018
16.11.0 (18031100)16.11.0 (18031100)
2018 年 2 月 13 日February 13, 2018
16.10.0 (18021001)16.10.0 (18021001)
2018 年 1 月 26 日January 26, 2018
16.9.1 (18012504)16.9.1 (18012504)
2018 年 1 月 18 日January 18, 2018
16.9.0 (18011602)16.9.0 (18011602)
2017 年 12 月 12 日December 12, 2017
15.41.0 (17120500)15.41.0 (17120500)
2017 年 11 月 14 日November 14, 2017
15.40.0 (17110800)15.40.0 (17110800)
2017 年 10 月 10 日October 10, 2017
15.39.0 (17101000)15.39.0 (17101000)
2017 年 9 月 12 日September 12, 2017
15.38.0 (17090200)15.38.0 (17090200)
2017 年 8 月 15 日August 15, 2017
15.37.0 (17081500)15.37.0 (17081500)
2017 年 7 月 21 日July 21, 2017
15.36.1 (17072101)15.36.1 (17072101)
2017 年 7 月 11 日July 11, 2017
15.36.0 (17070200)15.36.0 (17070200)
2017 年 6 月 16 日June 16, 2017
15.35.0 (17061600)15.35.0 (17061600)
2017 年 6 月 13 日June 13, 2017
15.35.0 (17061000)15.35.0 (17061000)
2017 年 5 月 16 日May 16, 2017
15.34.0 (17051500)15.34.0 (17051500)
2017 年 4 月 11 日April 11, 2017
15.33.0 (17040900)15.33.0 (17040900)
2017 年 3 月 14 日March 14, 2017
15.32.0 (17030901)15.32.0 (17030901)
2017 年 2 月 16 日February 16, 2017
15.31.0 (17021600)15.31.0 (17021600)
2017 年 1 月 11 日January 11, 2017
15.30.0 (17010700)15.30.0 (17010700)